
Access to Carbon Credits is being Democratised!!!

Tokenize your carbon credit NFTs on the eco-friendly blockchain. Gain your distribution, showcase your project and increase transparency.

As individuals and companies are looking for tools to mitigate their impact on climate change, carbon credits are gaining traction as they incentivize the fossil fuel industry to become more efficient. A carbon credit is a tradable permit or certificate that grants the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent of another greenhouse gas. Carbon credits can help companies to meet their climate-change goals. More than 40 governments worldwide have now adopted some sort of price on carbon, either through direct taxes on fossil fuels or through cap-and-trade programs.

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What are Carbon Credits?

A carbon credit is a predetermined allotment of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases that an organisation is permitted to emit. One tonne of CO2 and CHG emissions is equivalent to one carbon credit. A credit becomes tradable when there has been an actual reduction in emissions. If an organisation emits fewer tonnes of carbon dioxide than it is permitted to, it may trade, sell, or store the extra carbon credits. When credit is sold, the seller’s emissions allowance is purchased. There are two types of carbon offset Credits: Compliance Credits and Voluntary Credits.

Compliance Credits

Compliance Credits are the regulated credits that are approved by national and regional governments or by any independent certification bodies.

Voluntary Credits

Organizations, companies, and individuals can purchase more credits from offset issuers. These voluntary credits are not connected to the allowed compliance credits.

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Blockchain: A Cure for the Issues with Current Carbon Offsetting

The market for carbon offsets today is extremely inefficient. Credits are currently sold in bulk to bigger corporations. This creates obstacles for smaller groups or individuals that want to buy offsets to balance off their environmental impact. This problem can be resolved by emerging technology. And here comes blockchain technology. Generally, this blockchain technology is a panacea for problems with current carbon offsetting. Blockchain enables increased transparency by storing data and transactions on a distributed ledger that is visible to everyone on the network. Blockchain can be used to trade carbon credits and aggregate small buyers for carbon offset projects due to its transparency. Additionally, the ecosystem for carbon credits built on blockchain technology is secure, effective, and perfectly suited for setting up the carbon credit market. The distributed immutable ledger makes it possible to issue and track carbon credits with accuracy. Small and medium-sized businesses can easily use public blockchains, lowering the barrier to entry for the carbon trading industry.

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Carbon Pricing Mechanism

Carbon Tax

Governments prefer taxes because they are easy to administer and create revenue. These taxes are a great way to keep everything under control. Anything that is taxed more will cost more money, and as prices rise, fewer people will be able to purchase it or use the service. Similarly, increasing taxes may reduce carbon emissions.

Emission Trading System (ETS)

Creating a CO2 emissions trading scheme establishes a fundamental carbon market. A CO2 emissions trading system creates a carbon market where the price can be set within specific parameters. An ETS enables regulatory authorities to set a starting price that rises over time to encourage decarbonization. The two basic approaches of ETS are- Cap and Trade & Baseline Credit System.

Why to create a Marketplace for Carbon Credits 29,227,414,689 Tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere Globally, This Year

World’s Count

As the demand on governments to implement ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) Policies increases, carbon trading credits have emerged as a rapidly expanding asset class. Around $260 billion or more in carbon credits have been traded globally as of 2020, which is five times as much as in 2017.

Unhindered Access
Increased Utility
Global Liquidity
Guaranteed Funding

Carbon Credit NFT Marketplace Services

Carbon Credit NFT Marketplace Services

To advertise, purchase, and trade carbon credits, we develop a unique open-source peer-to-peer NFT marketplace.

NFT Carbon Credits Minting Platform

Through this platform, individuals and organisations will be able to create, mint, and list their own carbon credit tokens.

Token creation

The carbon offset credits could be tokenized as NFTs to increase their liquidity.

Exchange Platform Development

Establish a sports carbon credit exchange that enables traders to transact carbon credits quickly with anyone anywhere in the world.

Features of Our Carbon Credit NFT Marketplace

The prominent features of our Carbon credits NFT marketplace development are listed below,


NFTs are a sort of carbon credits that business owners can buy to achieve their performance targets.


Businesses can use the platform to sell the extra carbon credits they have left over as NFTs.


Anyone using the platform is able to create their own NFTs to symbolise their Carbon Credits.


Users have the option of staking their Credits on the market as NFTs in order to gain more payment.


Users can place bids and keep track of NFT ratings, trading volume, NFT pricing, and price drops with this feature.


Third-party verification is not necessary because you may find the owner via NFT Marketplace.

Workflow of Carbon Credit NFT Marketplace

Now, you have a basic understanding of the NFT marketplace for carbon credits. However, you should be familiar with the basic workflow of the Carbon credit NFT marketplace.

Make An Account

Register and create your own account on the decentralized platform.

Wallet Integration

Integrate a secure wallet to your user profile to store your NFTs and other assets.

Token Listing

You may now sell your carbon credits as NFTs in a decentralized marketplace.

Buy and Bid

Users can buy and bid for the listed carbon credits on our NFT marketplace platform.


The users will have a dynamic awareness of the market worth of their NFTs and be able to track their NFTs.

Where can you get apt Carbon Credit NFT Marketplace Development Services?

Clarisco is a well-known Carbon credit NFT marketplace development company that offers the best NFT marketplace services for the Carbon credit platform. Our quick-launch White Label solution provides the best Carbon Credit NFT Marketplace Development Services in the industry by creating new NFT marketplace benchmarks. We employ agile development methodologies to generate the finest product possible and ensure that you get precisely what you requested. Contact our specialists to help you achieve your business goals.

Make Use of Blockchain Technology
White label Solutions
24/7 Support
Team of Enthusiastic Experts
Mission-Driven Outcomes
Accelerated Development

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ

Carbon credits can be obtained by larger corporations, particularly utility firms, by lowering their carbon footprint. These credits can subsequently be sold or traded for a profit to other organisations.

Yes, you can exchange carbon credits willingly as part of a regulated framework or in a carbon market. You can also buy them as an investment and then sell them to profit later.

Carbon credits have a vast global compliance market. According to Refinitiv, the entire market size in 2020 is $261 billion, comprising 10.3Gt CO2 equivalent traded on compliance markets.

Carbon credits are calculated as 0.33 tonnes/MWh/year under Kyoto protocol standards. So, if you need 11.86 kg of Silicon, the CO2 generation will be estimated as 8.70 kg/MWh/year.

Carbon credits help to safeguard the environment one step at a time. You may sell them to the general population, and they will feel good about themselves. These are typically sold for $10 to $20 per tree or plant, and there is no legal restriction on how many can be sold. You can use the potential of blockchain-based carbon credit platform development to simplify and transparently manage the entire process.

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